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04.33d Globe Basking Daylight 150w

Incandescent Daylight Heat Globe



MONTHLY SPECIALS: This product is part of our current monthly specials. Click below to find out more.


150watt Basking Spot Globe. This is a broad spectrum UVA daylight bulb for providing a basking area for your reptile.  The UVA also benefits your reptile by increasing appetite and activity and simulating daylight.  A great product for providing heat for reptiles. Because this globe produces white light, alternate this with another heat source for a night-time form of heat.

The packaging features all Australian species, recommendations for other heating globes in the URS range along with an explanation of how to get the best life from the globe.  Each globe is packaged in a polystyrene internal box, protecting it from breakages if dropped or while in transit.

14 Day end user warranty gives extra peace of mind.  Available in a range of wattages to suit varied applications.

We recommend that all heating products are controlled to avoid overheating.  Thermostats are a simple way to do this and there are a range to suit each heating type.

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